
In-Person & Online Sessions

These are private and completely confidential sessions and require a prior appointment.

A regular session takes an hour and a half. It is suggested that you read the FAQs given on this site which will clarify many of your questions.

Healing Sessions for Young Children

Children absorb a lot of information from their surroundings, just like sponges. The unconscious builds up many programs in their minds affecting their behaviour, often adversely. Their health, learning patterns, self-esteem, confidence and their social and emotional skills - everything can get impacted. Many children today face adjustment issues, manifesting in the classroom as behavioural and academic issues.

The sessions help resolve issues, and their young minds are gainfully motivated so they respond in a healthy way to their environment, their family and friends.

We offer support to all age groups of children and young adults.

Online Video sessions

Distance Healing

Distance does not come in the way of energy healing at all. Distance/online healing is useful for clients who are undergoing surgery and need energy healing support while in the operating theatre or afterwards, in the post-anaesthesia recovery room. It can also be helpful for those who are too unwell to leave their own home, or perhaps clients who simply live too far from the healer to travel there.

This brings about same results as when done in person.

Remote Healing through a Surrogate

This healing or therapy is done for a client, through or with the presence of a surrogate, without the client having to be physically present. Remote healing offers support to any client who is not physically present or available for any reason. A family member or close associate, a well-wisher can be used for this purpose. The results are remarkable and even though clients are physically not present during this "remote" work, the healing brings significant shifts in their energies.

Surrogate Therapy sessions are advantageous and work well for healing traumas in young children. It offers a method to effectively heal the old and infirm, and for people who cannot travel for physical, emotional or medical reasons.

  • (A) Mind And Aura

    Every interaction in life is an interplay of thoughts and emotions, many of which modify the flow of energy in one’s energy system. Any contraction inone’s energy makes onefeel drained, unwell and causes mood swings.

    Clearing and cleansing the auric field restores, rebalances and strengthens the energy system, bringing in the higher levels of available energy. Maintaining good levels of energy in the field promotes overall well-being.

  • (B) Regression Therapy

    Regression Therapy involves revisiting old memories and experiences, helping to heal and transform their unconscious influence on physical and emotional ailments, behavioural patterns and unexplained symptoms in a safe and structured way. way.

    A Regression Therapy Session aids to:

    Heal the cause of current-life issues
    Heal the energy body
    Process stuck emotions

    Some issues that are resolved effectively

    Difficulties in relationships
    Abandonment and separation issues
    Abuse at physical and emotional level
    Deep-seated fears and phobias
    Depression and anxiety
    Physical complaints, chronic pain and illness
    Trauma, grief and loss

    Meeting Higher Self

    Human soul is a tiny part of the Higher Self which is the pure soul existing in the Spiritual plane. Your higher self is your best guide for a meaningful experience here on the physical plane.It knows what is and what is not for your higher good.

    Many times, all practical solutions fail to give direction to your mind and your life, and you feel caught up in a whirlpool, unable to extricate yourself.

    Confidence comes from listening to the inner voice and trusting what it tells you. In this therapy, you make this connection and find the required guidance and clarity for your highest benefit.

  • (C) Inner Child Integration

    Many people are unaware of why they sometimes feel incapable or why there are certain unfulfilling results from theirefforts.Some are possibly aware of the undesirable influence in their formative years and don't know how to deal with it. The bottled-up feelings like shame, sadness, feeling unloved, rejected, and guilty is what holds back many from feeling complete, loved and secure.

    In this intense healing,one is facilitated to recognize and reconnect with their forgotten, unhealed parts and are integrated and nurtured. Addressing the unresolved experiences is extremely

    beneficial and helps strengthen all areas of life -relationships, work, family, self-image, self-worth and overall health and happiness.

    It unfolds all the wonderful and strengthening qualities that had remained obscured and lets the well balanced YOU emerge.

  • (D) Happier Relationships

    The healing therapies effectively find the root causes of habits, anxieties, fears, and beliefs that one holds in their minds, which affects their lives.

    The sessions help resolve all unwanted energy blocking the strength of the relationship and reinforce the positive as is desired.

  • (E) Cell Memory Healing

    All discomfort, disease and pain, is caused due to blockages of life-flowing force through ourone’s mind-body systems.

    Living with any pain means one is cut off from a much greater source of creativity and power. There is intelligence in each one’s bodies which is brought into its natural state through energy healingour techniques. It is possible to heal many issues by clearing and releasing old stagnating energy from the cell memories. Once the old is deleted, the healing capacity of the body gets stimulated and produces new fresh cells that are healthy and free from any debilitations, allowing good health at all levels.

  • (F) Trauma Clearing

    Some events in life leave a deep undesirable impact and an opening in one’s energy system.

    This intense process replenishes and gives a major boost to a person’s energy levels. It helps clean out the painful impressions of experiences and brings about a renewed joy for living.

  • (G) Life between Lives Therapy

    The process accesses the subconscious mind, the memory bank to understand, resolve and bring clarity about the current life and the environment.

    These sessions offer immense therapeutic value and clients feel a deep relief which comes from finding the meaning of life's perplexities. You gain deep wisdom about your current life circumstances. It brings renewed joy and enthusiasm for life on earth.

    It is amazing to experience yourself as energy beings, getting a feel of the astral plane and its lightness.

Ready to live as a Happier You ?
Once upon a time Easeful Living  Finding Myself