Regression Therapy involves revisiting old memories and experiences, helping to heal and transform their unconscious influence on physical and emotional ailments, behavioural patterns and unexplained symptoms in a safe and structured way.
A Regression Therapy Session aids to:
Heal the cause of current-life issues
Heal the energy body
Process stuck emotions
Some issues that are resolved effectively

Difficulties in relationships

Abandonment and separation issues

Abuse at physical and emotional level

Deep-seated fears and phobias

Depression and anxiety

Physical complaints, chronic pain and illness

Trauma, grief and loss
Meeting Higher Self
Human soul is a tiny part of the Higher Self which is the pure soul existing in the Spiritual plane. Your higher self is your best guide for a meaningful experience here on the physical plane.It knows what is and what is not for your higher good.
Many times, all practical solutions fail to give direction to your mind and your life, and you feel caught up in a whirlpool, unable to extricate yourself.
Confidence comes from listening to the inner voice and trusting what it tells you. In this therapy, you make this connection and find the required guidance and clarity for your highest benefit.