

Feedback on E-Course and Inspirational Reflection Session

Inspirational Reflection sessions and BYM course has been like a guiding light for me. There were few significant aspects of myself that I was ignoring earlier. I used to become sad about the trival situations easily and used to overthink about them, which also includes the behaviour of others and wanted to control or change them. I used to call myself as a very emotional person.  I used to criticize myself for anything. I was mostly critical and unkind in my thoughts for self with a desire to be better.

 After the course and regularly attending mindfulness/ wholesome Living sessions, my focus is gradually shifted to my inner self.  I focus more on what is in my control, and the acceptance that I cannot change the behaviour of others completely, but I can change how I respond to them, and understanding that, seeing my responses, they might or might not decide to change their behaviours. I have learned to become calmer each day by creating the pause between the external situation and my response to it. Definitely, I am not able to do it all the time, but yes the awareness has substituted the ignorance most of the times. This Guiding light fills me with love, joy, peace, empathy, confidence and empowers me. 

It has taught me to love myself and to spread love to others irrespective of who they are. My life-self or the voice of heart is now becoming the guiding light to choose my actions. 

 Everything seems beautiful and full of love with the journey of Loving Life Team and Befriend your mind course. 

 Gratitude , VS, New Delhi

Workshop with parents of children who have special needs

It was a very good workshop. I gained clarity about how to solve the problems I am facing in my life and how to reach the goals I have set for my child. Thank you Pia . 

RJ, March 18, 2022

Workshop with Parents of children who have special needs

It was a great experience. It gave me the encouragement to keep going. I also gained clarity about short and long term goals and how to step by step work towards them. I also learnt that it is important to give oneself priority once in a while. Thank you Pia Ma'am .

IG, March 18, 2022

Parenting Workshop

Being a high achiever and CBSE topper of my school, it was easy to have high expectations from my son. It was easy to keep comparing his grades with my own impeccable academic track record.

It started with ‘hand-holding’ to ensure that he doesn’t fall (in terms of grades) but I just didn’t realize when my grip tightened so much that I, unknowingly, scuttled his independence and shattered his self-confidence. The inevitable happened – his grades kept falling! He was at his lowest ebb when Renu Ma’am walked into our lives, as a guiding light.

It was difficult to understand where I had gone wrong. It was difficult to realize my follies. It was difficult to let go…. But she made everything very easy, for me and for him!

Her counseling has been more than an eye opener; she has helped me transform not only as a mother but also as a person. I realized that I’d always been very tough on myself – a hard task master. However, it all just back fired.

Through ‘Loving life’, I’ve learnt to love life and love myself.

I am a writer, but today I feel as if I’m falling short of words. All I can say is

“Thank you”.


In person Healing Session

I am really grateful to Renu Ma’am for helping me in overcoming my fears and helping me to turn into a new leaf. She helped me to discover my true passion and helped me in overcoming my weaknesses.

I attribute my resurrection to her. I would’ve probably slipped into a depressiondue to the biggest breakdown in my life. Sometimes, I still wonder how she was able to skilfully pull me out of darkness. She helped me face my academic problems and I was able to fight my fears with double the power. It is because of her that I have been able to find my true calling. She not only instilled confidence in my own abilities, but also guided me in stream selection.

I love to attend her sessions; though they last for an hour, they have a long lasting effect. The impact of these sessions is miraculous – I feel re- energized and absolutely rejuvenated. Her sessions are like power banks which make my days glorious.

To sum it up, I would like to thank her for all the support and empowerment she has given me.



The best part about the course is that you get to do it at your own comfort. There are no timelines, no pressure to finish within a certain time frame. That is what helped me. I could read the lessons as many times as I want to. You get time to focus on yourself. Every time you read it you ponder more on your thoughts, beliefs, you are more aware of your being. You know yourself a little before than yesterday.  It gives you the highs and lows too, it opens up your thoughts, but that is what self-acceptance is about. I'm going through too many mixed feelings and emotions. The course messages uplift me. 

I have seen a change in myself, which is really a big one. I have calmed down a lot, be it with my parents, my sisters, or my daughter. I have also stopped reacting to people and situations by 30-40 %, working to make it a 100%.

The e-course helped me when I had lost all hopes of a direction for my life...

Thank you ever so much. S.S New Delhi. October'17


Feedback on the E-courses

I have done the first two e-courses and am now on my 3rd one. The e courses are so powerful and have helped me a lot in my self- growth and progress. The words are simple yet deep. Every time I read them, I found a new meaning. Whenever I have staggered in my journey I would ask for help and I received the guidance. The weekly lessons gave a purpose to everyday of the week. I kept trying to do as had been guided in the lessons. It helped in developing more understanding and lead to inner growth, which gave me confidence and composure.

Thank you so much. PC, New Delhi, October 2017.

Workshop "Giving my best" with Teachers
This workshop helped us to know/learn more about ourselves both personally and as an educator. It has given an assurance to us that we are doing our best in whatever way we can. This has made us realize that we need to give ourselves the affirmation that we need to celebrate ‘Me’ as ‘Me’. This experience has really prepared us to unburden ourselves and believe in our inner being. We loved this workshop. Thank you so much for giving us a whole new outlook on working with our immediate environment and a new perspective of our lives.

Workshop "Giving my best" with Teachers
The workshop by Ms. Pratibha Malhotra was insightful. The session helped us to look within and question our beliefs. It made us think who we are,what we are doing and why, whom are we doing it for and how are we doing it. We were encouraged to think whether we are in alignment with ourselves and are we doing enough to nourish and nurture ourselves. Many questions were raised in our minds. A few were answered and many have sparked a desire to explore further.

Weekly Emailed Messages

Dear Pratibha,

Thanks for such an empowering message at the very start of the first day of the New Year.

I would like to extend my immense love and gratitude to the whole team Loving Life. You are doing a fantastic job of touching the most innate and sensitive chords, thus helping us love the life we are gifted.

I have personally experienced a lot of positivity through your messages. I am fearless because I know I always have your guidance to lean on whenever and wherever I need to. 

Honestly, I have been able to figure out the root cause of many day to day issues through introspection. That's because just the right message to me at that time from these mailers. The universe is amazingly synced. 

I am very grateful to everyone around me and for everything I have. 

Thanks Sheetal for introducing me to the invaluable and unmatched light of wisdom through self-awareness. SM, Bengaluru. Jan 2017

Mindfulness workshop with Teachers
The workshop conducted by Ms. Pratibha Malhotra helped us to understand the intricacies of the mind and how beliefs and habits control our lives and inhibit us from giving our best. Nurturing our body and mind is a prerequisite if we want to contribute effectively to our community and therefore the commitment to spend time with our self...... this is the understanding that dawned on us.

Healing with Pratibha Malhotra
Meeting Ms. Malhotra has without a doubt being one of the more significant things that have happened to me in my life. She has, in a true sense, been a friend, philosopher and guide. The techniques she uses to clear up even the biggest of doubts are only part of her ability to heal - it is her willingness to listen to, understand and empathize with the situation that really makes every interaction with her magical. This ability makes it easy to confide even the biggest of problems with her. I have gained tremendously from my meetings with her, and have no doubt that I will continue to remain in touch with her for a very long time to come. I'm extremely grateful to her for the changes she has helped me bring into my life. Pk, 37 years, Feb-2016

Cessation of Smoking
Dear Pratibha,
I wanted to thank you. I waited for 2 weeks before writing the feedback of our 2 sessions, to make sure that what happened in terms of shifts was on the long run still sometimes cannot believe it; when I came back in Bombay on Thursday, so 2 days after we last met, I smoke It just happened and incredible. I am not craving for any cigarettes, sometimes it goes through my mind one or two times per day, my habits are gone, the taste of it is disgusting. I feel free I feel fantastic I am so very grateful for it and I this new evolution/change every day. Our aura cleaning and chakra opening session was fantastic. My energy and vibrations are higher and stronger. course it does go down sometimes. I feel it and it feels wonderful. I meditate a little every day to maintain the energy level. I was raised in the countryside and always was closed to the nature, being in India and especially in Bombay it pulled me away from it. But now I need again to be close to the nature, to feel the sun, the green, the sea I hope you are doing great. I am grateful I met you. I will come to see you next time I come to Delhi. Have a great day and thank you again Mathilde, Mumbai.2014

Depressed, Unhappy marriage. Wanted to separate.
I have led a very confident life till my marriage and have managed big event under my leadership but all have changed suddenly after my marriage in 2008.I had become low confident, I didn not like my husband for no reasons, we had quarrels, I felt like my life has been finished now even i could not able to talk with my own family members. I was undergoing depressive feelings. everybody including myself counsel me but in vain .I thought there must be some previous life reasons for the present situation, when i watched raz pichle janam ka episodes I decided to find it out through PLR.I searched internet then I came to NGO organisation and enrolled for their courses and I met Pratibha mam at healer lvl2 course. during lvl1 I was so depressed and full of -ve energy even did not mix up with group but during lvl2 when mam did my cleansing ,helped raised my confidence level ,my life was saved. I really felt that a lots of black -ve energy was draining from my feet, and it became somewhat relaxed, calm. I stopped taking my sleeping pills. But my problems were unresolved till after 2 more sessions everything come out clear, my life has been changed. Those were magical sessions. Previous cords were cut and I came to understand my life. My life now has completely changed, I have smooth relationship with my husband. I went out happily with him for the first time in my 3 yrs married life. I have my deep gratitude towards mam Pratibha who is also my mentor. AJ, Ghaziabad.2010.

Ready to live as a Happier You ?