

Loving life

Loving Life, a non-denominational organization, is the conception of Pratibha Malhotra’s vision and passion. As its founder, Pratibha evolved in her understanding through her dedication and serves as a true guide for mind, body and all it encompasses. Under her mentorship, the organisation offers healing, along with teaching, guiding, counselling, and motivating individuals from all walks of life.

As human beings, each one is here to become more ‘whole’ (a combination of tangible and intangible), grounded and conscious- enabling one to feel and love more deeply and freely. To this extent…the Loving life team of healers assist people in working though their turmoil and discomfort, to rediscover their liveliness. This is aided through personal sessions, insightful reading, audio messages and through e-courses.

The mission of this venture lies in facilitating individuals understand and enhance their capacity to think clearly, so they hold the reins and shape a tomorrow of their choice. According to Pratibha, “Whatever got manifested externally, was through the mind; and it can be also resolved with the cooperation of your mind. For every problem, there is a solution that can be reached through such comprehensive therapeutic healing sessions.”

Many a time, one gets troubled and disconcerted by emotions specially during what seems like challenging, difficult or tricky times. Through its programs, group, and personal sessions, the Loving Life team of healers elucidates how to remain grounded, be at ease, and maintain wellness without feeling overwhelmed by life's events. Every interaction with any of the team members leaves you encouraged, invigorated, empowering you to bounce back and find balance.

All that this expression of the founder’s passion strives for, is a harmonious, friendly and healthy living for all.

The Founder

Pratibha Malhotra is based in Gurugram, India, where she lives with her family. Her life pictures an ensemble of humdrum, like all…yet, behind all, is the invisible hand, the ‘more’ added with her involvement, dedication and passion....an ordinary life lived with sensitivity, love and compassion…

Pratibha grew to be a healer as she looked to resolve the complexities that covered her feelings, body health, relationships, and all that was her life. She found her way to live as an integrated whole and feel peaceful. With ceaseless, persistent effort, she found the way to remain focused and grounded in the intrinsic largesse, which unfolded from responding consciously and mindfully to people and to situations, without ever allowing thoughts to side-track, or contain her to react, or diminish her state of being. Everything about her life reflects how it is possible to enjoy every comfort, and yet not get overtaken by its lure of joy and short-lived happiness. Enjoying is not a dependency for being happy for her, and she does not forsake her ‘grounded-ness’ for anything. She has mastered the art of living with the knowing that she plays many roles for her human life, and so she is passionate about using each breath to spread this understanding in all ...be it her staff or her clients, family, friends or anyone who meets her for one reason or another.

Through her own life experiences, she reflects that knowing ‘I am a human being’, and ‘living as a human’ are two facets of multidimensional living. Though this wisdom to live life is inborn, yet very few have been able to express that reality and balance. All answers and solutions lie within and with this sagaciousness, she is an ocean of wisdom, one with intelligence called life within herself.

In her words: ‘Life taught me that the law of being human is discontentment, imbalance and unrest. For me, it all started as a quest for answers and solutions to an emptiness and sadness, which at some point changed tracks, and my efforts became directed at understanding my Self and my life. The timeless wisdom from words/ teachings of spiritual Masters like Maha Avatar, Paramhamsa Yogananda, Ramana Maharishi and a few others lit in me the awareness and importance of acceptance and inner harmony. Slowly the sought after puzzle pieces started to fall in place bringing the transformation from a state of restlessness to one of stability. I rose above struggles, confusions and clouding in my mind, to be one with the essence called breath and Life…in my being. A relationship with my true reality slowly warmed to become an unshakeable strength/ embrace and Oneness with the energy of Life’s intelligence, the Creative consciousness in me. I healed and reached a place of wholeness.” I rose above struggles, confusions and clouding in my mind, to be one with the essence called breath and Life…in my being. A relationship with my true reality slowly warmed to become an unshakeable strength, embracing Oneness with the energy of Life’s intelligence- the Creative consciousness in me. I healed and reached a place of wholeness.”

An experienced guide and healer since 2006, Pratibha holds immense knowledge and trainings from a wide range of energy-based techniques.

Her certifications and expertise encompass: -

  • Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • Usui Reiki Master
  • Regression Therapist
  • Neuro linguistic programmer (Basic and Advanced)
  • Enhancing Chakra vibrations
  • Energy /Aura expansion
  • Inner Child Therapist
  • Life between Lives Therapist
  • Disease and Somatic Therapy
  • Soul Script for Current Life
  • Expressing Your Highest Balanced Reality
  • Mindfulness Guide

She had attended some Global events and gained exposure to techniques used by renowned therapists. A few of these were:

  • World Congress on Regression Therapies in Delhi (2006) and in Brazil (2008)
  • World Healers Conference in San Diego, USA (2010)

Pratibha lives with the sole purpose of guiding every one so their lives are meaningful, satisfying and enriched with enthusiasm. The organization, Loving Life Trust, founded by her, is a manifestation of her graciousness for the highest good of all. Impassioned in her commitment, and armed with tremendous success from her work, she launched her own training courses by integrating the practical aspects gleaned through her professional practice. Loving life courses certify and add the title ‘Life Healer’ to the ones who participate and imbibe the philosophy of the organisation.

Loving life healers’ sessions bring an overall balance to your mind, body and your spirit. The intellect of the mind and the wisdom of the heart come together in the design of Life healer courses, such that the healing sessions bring about desired shifts and healing. One leaves feeling reassured light, alive and energised.

It feels satisfying to say after having interacted with people of all age groups, that most felt eased and happier after the sessions and are leading their lives with a renewed energy and purpose.

Pratibha is fondly called ‘Amu’- a parent with unconditional love…Amu’s words and messages are a treasure trove of guidance on how to live life attuned to the innate knowingness, which she calls…voice of your heart and being.

Her wish for all…Love the immeasurable abundance of life in Yourself.

Loving Life Team Healing
Parenting :
Co-create a Spirited Life, Vol1 :
Co-create a Spirited Life, Vol2 :
You and The Best You :

Ready to live as a Happier You ?
Once upon a time Easeful Living  Finding Myself